lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Cortometraje DÍA DE MURMULLOS (Day of whispers)

Cortometraje de ficción escrito, dirigido y producido por Emiliano Galarza, basado en parte en hechos reales, muestra una cruda realidad y violencia cotidiana. En 2007 fue seleccionado para el "14° Festival Latinoamericano de Video Rosario", Argentina.

Dos jóvenes acorralados y golpeados por las consecuencias de la historia reciente argentina deciden asaltar un colectivo para comprar más cocaína. El robo pasará a desastre y lo que allí quedará serán solamente los pensamientos de aquella sociedad, detenidos en el tiempo, evidenciando a eso que se está acostumbrado: la violencia cotidiana.


Two teenagers decide to assault a mean of urban public transport to buy more cocaine. The passengers in the bus are representing the argentine society, with their cheerfulness and their frustrations, which are being reflected through their thoughts. The two criminals are the most punished and violent part of this society, which moreover is the consequence of the last decades in the history of the country. The robbery takes a disastrous ending and the only thing remaining will be the thought of this society. The situation seems to be caught in time, yet tiring the spectator by clearly showing the everyday life to which he is used to: The daily violence.

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